
Finance Ministry says no to Tissa’s daughter’s appointment

(UTV|COLOMBO) – Finance Ministry has not given its consent for the proposal by Foreign Affairs Minister Tilak Marapana to appoint Dulmini Attanayake, the daughter of former General Secretary of the United National Party (UNP) as the Third Secretary in the Sri Lankan Embassy in Australia.

State Minister for Finance Eran Wikramarathne has pointed out that people who had passed a foreign service examination must be appointed to the post of Third Secretary in the foreign missions after a special training.

He has also pointed out that it wouldn’t be appropriate to appoint an outsider instead of a qualified person from the Foreign Ministry.

Ms. Attanayake is currently holding a high post at a Private institution after following a business management course in Australia.

It is learnt that she is most unlikely to be appointed to the said post owing to the opposition by the Finance Ministry.



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